Metadocencia celebrates its second birthday

Since March 2020, our community has kept growing and in March we will be two years old. That’s why we have prepared a series of events and courses to celebrate by learning. In this video (in Spanish with subtitles in English and Spanish) we summarise all we did in these two years:

Book club

On March 15 we launched our first book club on the book Teaching Tech Together. In each meeting, along with a moderator and a presenter, we analyse the contents of the book’s chapters and work on the proposed exercises. So far, 28 people have attended the first two meetings.

The closing session of our book club will be a meeting with the author of the book, Greg Wilson, which will include a Spanish-English translator to overcome the language barrier. This will be a learning process that will be enhanced by the previous meetings and the productions that we built in them.

All those who want to participate can register following this link:

You can also join our Slack community and find out all the news:

Keynote Talk

On March 16, the day of our birthday, Yanina Bellini Saibene (one of our funders) was a keynote speaker at the 16th Brazilian Meeting of Bayesian Statistics and VI Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing, con la charla with the talk “What Everyone In Data Science Should Know About Teaching And Learning”.

Yanina tells us that Data scientists, programmers, statisticians are constantly learning new and rapidly evolving technologies. They often find themselves in a teaching role, either as mentors, generating tutorials, writing blog posts, giving talks, or even teaching more formally at universities or boot camps, without being formally prepared for that role. In this talk, we will review practical, evidence-based strategies for organizing and designing your lessons and materials, explaining concepts at the level of your students, using relevant examples, checking understanding, and connecting with students so that you can be more effective the next time you find yourself in a teaching position.

The video and slides are available.


We also initiated during March a series of MetaDocencia workshops, in Spanish and English, hosted by R-Ladies chapters. The first event will be a South-South collaboration with R-Ladies Johannesburg and will be followed by events with several R-Ladies chapters: Buenos Aires, Resistencia-Corrientes, Santa Rosa and Ushuaia, during April and May.

New look, the same essence

In addition, as part of our anniversary, we renewed our identity while maintaining the essence of Metadocencia. More details in this blog post.

Alejandra Bellini
Alejandra Bellini
Nicolás Palopoli
Nicolás Palopoli
Co-Executive Director and Advisory Committee
